Have you stopped giving any business to the FMCG companies, as there is hardly any hair on your crown? Or stopped watching those shampoo commercials as they do not affect your bald palate? You need not worry, as the game is not over yet. Hair loss and baldness have become common and have invited attention of dermatologists worldwide. As a result, there are numerous medicines and treatment available with the hair loss doctor and his hair restoration clinic which can result in regaining your hair. Cure for hair loss and cure for baldness has shown admirable progress in the recent past.

Heredity, aging and hormones are the common factors associated with hair loss and at times, permanent baldness. Other than these natural causes, improper hair care, unbalanced diet and medication, or a combination of these, may also lead to hair loss and baldness. An average person loses about 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis that is made up by the growth of new hair. Increasing year’s leads to reduction in growth of new hair or slowing it down, thus resulting in hair loss and further, to baldness. Hair growth follows a definite cycle in your body and, at times, it may get disturbed due to external conditions resulting in baldness.

Alopecia or baldness is found to be different in male and females. Males develop baldness in such a way that the scalp can be seen prominently but in females it starts with thinning of hair all over the head less the frontal region. The scalp is not evident in females as it is in males. Before opting for any type of treatment for baldness or hair loss remedy, it is advisable to go for a biopsy of the skin area so as to ascertain the cause of baldness. It helps the hair loss doctor to advise you on the desired cure for baldness or hair loss remedy.

Some of the important hair replacement techniques generally adopted by hair restoration clinic are reproduced below for your benefit.

Hair transplantation: It involves baldness treatment by relocating fresh and healthy hair from the back of the head and neck. These hairs are removed along with scalp grafts to ensure that they grow at the relocated place. In the final phase they are planted in the bald or thinned area. It requires a great degree of expertise and may take numerous sessions and weeks depending upon the growth of hair and the area of baldness.

Flap surgery: A very common technique employed for treatment of baldness of a large area is the flap surgery. In this process, apportion of hair bearing skin is placed in the area of baldness and allowed to grow naturally. The process is slow but generally tends to give good results.

Scalp reduction: It is a type of baldness treatment in which the bald portion of the scalp is reduced by pulling the scalp bearing hair from either side. The bald portion may be removed depending upon the area and type of the baldness.

Tissue expansion: It is a complex process performed by the hair restoration clinic on selective basis.It involves placement of a tissue expander device underneath a hair growing area. This device stimulates growth of new cells which are further transplanted in the bald area. These cells lead to hair growth in the bald area. Cure for baldness and cure for hair loss no more seem to be a Herculean dream.

On date, there are numerous medicines available in the market for treatment of baldness. Do not, however, take these without consulting a doctor. The various types of hair replacement surgery available have received a very warm response from the environment. Pay a visit to your hair loss doctor or to a reputed hair restoration clinic and you will be surprised to see the results. Regaining your hair is far less troublesome than you thought!

The Author is an expert in giving advice on baldness cure. Hair loss being a major problem with everybody young and old it is very necessary to find a good cure for this problem.

The author is attached to many clinics which give cure for hair loss.

When you start experiencing symptoms such as fever or fatigue, you immediately start investigating causes, right? Why should hair loss be any different? If you blindly try to treat your hair loss without understanding the cause of it, you could be doing more harm than good. In order to prevent hair loss and start re-growing healthy hair, diagnosing the cause of the loss is the first step.

Hair loss can be age related, genetic, stress-related, or due to environmental factors. Age related hair loss is the most common type of hair loss, and occurs when the natural re-growth process stops or slows. Remember, everyone loses hair, an average of 100 hairs a day. Problems occur when your hair stops re-growing or you re-grow fewer hairs than what you lose.

Hair loss can be related to stress caused by rapid weight loss, illness (especially prolonged illness), surgery, reaction to anesthesia, or intolerance of certain drugs. A tragedy or even a major life decision such as moving, having a child, or marriage can cause or accelerate stress related hair loss.

Perming, coloring, or bleaching your hair can cause hair loss because it weakens the hair strand. Tight pony-tails or braids can cause hair loss from actually pulling the hair from the roots. Diagnosing and removing the cause of the stress will likely allow hair to re-grow fully.

Poor nutrition can also cause hair loss, and eating a healthier diet will allow hair to re-grow.

These are only a few of the many causes of hair loss. But remember, diagnosing the cause of any symptom is the first step in treatment and prevention. Hair loss is no different.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Health-Fitness-Solutions.com He provides more hair loss prevention tips and hair loss prevention products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Do you want to retain your natural hair color without resorting to dyes? Do you want a fuller, thicker head of hair? Do you want to give shine and moisture back to your dry and dull hair? If you answer yes to all these questions, then feeding your hair vitamins is the way to do it.

No to gray

The hair is colored by the production of a pigment called melanin which is also found in our skin. Specialized organelles in the hair root called melanocytes produce melanin. A vitamin called Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) can help in keeping the production of melanin high. This vitamin is one of the many kinds of B-complex vitamins and is best for retaining your hair's natural color.

No more hair fall

Hair falls out because of the presence of the androgen Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. The presence of this hormone is more pronounced in men than in women, at least until women reach the age of menopause. To keep your hair full and thick and to control hair fall, make sure the hair vitamin or hair product you select has Lenoleic Acid or Alpha Lenolenic Acid because it is an effective DHT inhibiting agent.

Damaged no more

Parched, lifeless hair is caused by too much exposure to the sun, wind, and water. The excessive use of hair styling products, blow drying, hair perm, hair straightening, hair coloring and use of other chemical treatments can also damage the hair and make it dry and dull. To bring back the luster in your hair, buy a hair vitamin or hair product with the chemical inositol in it. This strengthens the cell membranes in the hair and also causes the hair to retain more moisture. Vitamin E is also an essential hair vitamin. It replaces the moisture lost not only in the hair, but in the skin as well.

Hair Vitamins provides detailed information on Hair Vitamins, Vitamin For Hair Loss, Female Hair Loss Vitamin, Vitamin For Healthy Hair and more. Hair Vitamins is affiliated with Hair Styles.

Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even on wearing hats excessively. All of these theories have been disproved. It's also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather or that of 40-year-old men who haven't lost their hair will never lose it. The truth is that individual hair follicles are preprogrammed at the beginning to stay in or fall out. What hair replacement does is to put "good" follicles in place of "bad" follicles. This usually provides an enduring result.

Hair replacement surgery can improve your look and your self-confidence, but the results won't necessarily match your ideal. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. The best applicants are those people who have distinct concerns and enough hair from the back of their heads to donate.

It's significant to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses of existing hair and to provide the best, longest-lasting results.
Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture, and waviness or curliness, may also affect the cosmetic result. There are a number of techniques used in hair replacement surgery. The technique that is generally preferred is individual follicle transplantation.

Flaps, tissue-expansion, and scalp-reduction are alternative procedures that can leave a person with unpleasant scars. This is especially important for someone who is still thinning to consider.

Woman also experience hair loss. Female hair loss is usually caused by aging, illness, or hormonal changes after menopause. Women tend to experience a slight thinning all over the scalp rather than losing hair in patches as is common in men. To correct the problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions. Others have had some success using topical prescription drugs. The effectiveness of such drugs varies among patients and simply prevents further hair loss without stimulating appreciable new growth. Hair replacement surgery may be the answer for those who feel uncomfortable with these options.

Hair transplantation involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp from a donor site and transfers them to a bald or thinning area. Using the individual follicle transplant procedure, these pieces are cleaved under a microscope into individual follicles. The grafts are then placed into small "pin holes" in the balding areas. Up to 3500 grafts can be performed in a single "mega session." Your entire hair transplantation can be performed in one day with local anesthesia.

Individual hair follicles are produced from the donor area and placed in a naturally random pattern. This gives nearly undetectable results. The days of mini-grafts, plugs, and micro-grafts are over. The only benefit those measures offered was that they were much simpler to perform.

Individual hair follicle transplantation is state-of-the-art, and for most patients, the results prove it.

Peter Mangano


Believe it or not, most hair wearers have not been properly instructed in safe hair piece removal. You see removing tape or adhesive from a hair piece is just like ripping a band-aid off your arm - it usually takes some hair along with it. It's sad, but true, that many hair replacement companies don't want their clients practicing proper hair piece removal because it means they will be more likely to tear their hair piece and require a repair or a brand new system.

In order to safely remove adhesive from a hair piece, a good quality solvent should always be used. A solvent, or adhesive remover, when applied to the tape will free it up from the base and allow the wearer to easily remove the tape without taking any hair along with it or tearing the base. The great thing about solvents and adhesive removers is that they are very inexpensive, so it's a drop in the bucket when compared to the extended longevity the hair wearer will receive from their hair piece. Adhesive remover and solvent generally works on all different kinds of adhesives and can be purchased for very reasonable prices at various retail companies across the web. In some cases there are also specific adhesive removers for certain kinds of bases - for example lace adhesive remover is a very common product specifically meant for removing adhesive from fine lace fronts. This kind of a product is for taking extra special care - because lace fronts are extremely delicate, but generally most adhesive removers and solvents would also get the job done even in a case as is with lace hair pieces.

In conclusion, it's important to remember that hair pieces can have an extremely long lifespan if cared for properly. Adhesive should be completely removed from the base, and the base should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week, except in the case of a permanent attachment hair piece. By spending an extra couple bucks on a good quality adhesive remover, you may end up saving hundreds of dollars by dramatically increasing the lifespan of your hair piece or hair replacement system.

Hair-necessities has provided hair pieces directly to consumers for years, and is an online leader in the hair replacement industry. Visit hair-necessities.com to learn more about the variety of hair pieces available online and send a hair sample to have your hair color matched free of charge.

The problem of losing hair has been known to exist from time immemorial. Hair loss can be really stressful especially when appearance matters most. In the case of extraordinary hair loss, a doctor must be consulted. The doctor can determine the reason behind such hair loss and will be able to suggest a treatment to correct the underlying irregularities. The good news is that proven and successful ancient and modern remedies are available to arrest hair fall and promote re-growth. Understanding the basics about hair can demystify the facts about hair loss.

Basic hair facts

Human hair is made of keratin which is a type of protein. The hair shaft is visible part of hair and its root lies below the skin of the scalp and the hair follicle where the hair root lies. The hair bulb which produces the color pigment of the hair called melanin. It is normal to lose daily about 50 to 100 hairs. There is no need to panic as they grow back automatically from the same follicles. Unusual hair loss should be treated by an expert in hair treatment.


The FDA has approved two treatments for hair loss namely Propecia and Rogaine. Propecia is an oral pill that blocks the enzyme that creates DHT that causes thinning of hair in men. Rogaine is a lotion that stimulates hair growth in men as well as women. Hair supplement capsules and Hair revitalizing shampoo and conditioner also have been found to be effective.

Hair Transplant

In extreme cases of hair loss, when there is no hope of hair growing back, the only solution is hair transplantation. The skilled hair transplant surgeon can provide natural results. Affordable non-surgical hair replacement options using real human hair are also available from professionals.

Hair care

A healthy and balanced diet ensures good health that promotes healthy hair. Refraining from harsh treatment can help, like avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals, rubbing hair vigorously and blow drying frequently. Using natural remedies like massaging with herbal essential oils and using nourishing shampoo and conditioners can stop hair loss. Exercise helps indirectly by improving blood circulation to the scalp.

Hair Loss Problem are common now and Herbal Hair Loss Treatments are the best solutions for this problem.

The Article is Published by Eric Mcneece for Seo Company India Brosis Solutions.

Commonly referred to as a wigs and toupees, hair replacement systems can be put on by a professional to stay attached longer. Hair pieces are very reliable to men and women who do not wish to take hair loss medications or undergo surgical procedures. Wigs are probably one of the easiest and oldest remedies to mask baldness and hair loss.

Fortunately, these wigs have come a really long way in their overall appearances. Nowadays, these 'hair systems' look and feel very natural. For patients on medications like chemotherapy (where surgical procedures are not an option), these hair pieces are the most preferred option.

Although these hair systems tend to be high maintenance, they can be very worth it. You hair system can come permed, dyed, and brushed to match the hair you once had. If you get a very natural hair system, nobody will be able to tell the difference between your hair and the new hair.

Some of the most expensive hair systems do not rely on synthetics fibers, but instead use actual human hair. In addition, while it is costly, most people decide to purchase two hair systems. One you can wear, while the other is being cleaned and refurbished. Nevertheless, each person as their own desire and consequently there are different types of hair pieces to fit the needs of each person. Two hairpieces may not be needed if your hairpiece will not be used for daily use.

When you purchase a wig or toupee, the hair replacement center will need to 'fit' you for your hair system. It must be the right size to conform to your head and face, which will result in a more natural look. The lining of these hairpieces is usually very fine and comfortable to wear. You can compare the lining of many of these hairpieces, to say, the material used to make women's pantyhose. It's very light and delicate.

While many may argue that a hair replacement system, may not look 100% natural, it can most certainly make look and feel more confident about your hair loss condition. It's definitely a proactive decision that has no safety risks to worry about. As you can see there are a lot of positive aspects when considering a hair piece. It's as easy as 1,2,3. Slip it on and walk out the door without worrying about any side effects or future surgical appointments.

Jen Carter is staff writer for Inhairit - creator of a hair loss product program dealing with hair loss . For more hair care tips and articles, visit http://www.inhairit.com

Has your hair left your head and migrated to your back? You've heard the jokes all of your life. Now you're starting to live them and it's not funny anymore. Getting your thick, full head of hair back is not a fantasy. You can have it! You can get rid of unwanted body hair, too.

A full head of hair and a sleek hair-free body are signs of youth and health in men. Unfortunately, you body doesn't always comply, and even young, healthy men can start losing their hair early. Hair loss can slowly drain away your self confidence, and can even diminish your earning capacity.

A hairy chest may drive some women wild, but a hairy back can be embarrassing. It can keep you from enjoying summer activities, such as going to the beach or simply going outside. It can even take over your choices in clothing and social activities.

Hair replacement and laser hair removal can make you look young again.

Hair replacement

Some men never lose their hair, while others start going bald in their early twenties. There are a number of factors which affect hair growth in men, including genetics and hormones. No matter what the cause of your thinning hair, it can be replaced.

Old methods of hair replacement just didn't look natural. That was because the sections of hair which were implanted were too large, and often placed in visible patterns. Today's technology has solved this problem. Now hair replacement uses very tiny micrografts, placed in irregular patterns just like your natural hair growth patterns.

The micrografts are your own hair, so the color and texture blend perfectly with your existing hair. They are removed from the back and sides of your head where the hair follicles are not genetically predisposed to balding.

The treatment itself takes one or two sessions, and in 12 to 18 months you will see the full results.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal permanently removes unwanted hair. That means no more shaving, no more waxing, or no more just living with it! If you have developed hair on your back and/or shoulders, you can get rid of it forever. Laser hair removal is also a great option for bodybuilders and bicyclists. Excessive body hair can be uncomfortable, and can even cause hygiene problems.

You can have unwanted hair permanently annihilated anywhere on your body, including your:

• Back

• Shoulders

• Chest

• Buttocks

• Legs

• Arms

• Armpits

• Pubic hair

In fact, when it comes to removing pubic hair, AskMen.com says, "Laser hair removal by far surpasses all other methods of hair removal."

Laser hair removal works best if you have dark hair and light skin.

Compared to women, most men get of easy when it comes to aging. Hair loss is the number one, and often the only giveaway. Keeping the hair on your head, and banishing unwanted body hair, can 20 years off your appearance.

If you are experiencing hair loss or have unwanted body hair, talk to your cosmetic surgeon today

Hair loss can prove a big blow to one's overall personality. One tends to feel a shame of the fact that he or she is having less amount of hair left on his or her scalp.

Fortunately, there are several options available, these days, in this regard. One of the best available solutions for hair loss is hair transplants surgery.

It is very important to go for the best clinic in order to benefit from the best of benefits and services.

Here are some useful guidelines to be followed when choosing the best clinic for affordable hair replacement:

a) Hair loss type

Prior to going for a hair loss treatment, you need to know the type of hair loss you suffer from. Make your that you know the type of baldness you have. Try to know what is causing hair loss. You may also consult with your regular physician, trichologist or dermatologist.

b) Goal

You must define your goals prior to heading towards a clinic. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. In case, you are quite satisfied with your hair appearance and want to be sure about your future, you must look for another treatment for your hair. The best thing is to consult a hair specialist for expert advice.

c) The techniques

If you want to go for the best of the treatment, visit a clinic that emphasize on one that provides follicular unit hair transplantation. This procedure is more successful, these days in most of the cases.

d) Surgeon

The clinic should have a surgeon that is reputed and highly experienced. He or she must have conducted several cases of this type of surgeries with higher percentage of success.

e) Consultation

A good clinic will definitely have a consultation center for the goodwill of consumers. Make sure you discuss the plans and side effects associated to the treatment you are planning to undergo.

f) Popularity

You must go for a clinic that is popular. Try browsing through the world inside web for the same. Compare various centres and then decide for the best.

g) Consult the patients

You must take special care about discussing with other patients regarding the transplantation procedure, demerits and merits. Also try to know about the reputation of the hair replacement surgery clinic. Enquire about the success rates of the surgeries undertaken by the surgeons of the hair replacement surgery clinic you have chosen for yourself.

h) Research

Do not finalize on a hair replacement surgery clinic prior to gathering enough knowledge about the clinic. You must make a thorough research on different clinics, the services they provide, the surgeons they have, qualifications of the surgeons, after surgery services and a lot more.

If you take special care about following all the tips mentioned above, you would definitely find the best hair replacement surgery clinic for yourself.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about HAIR LOSS please visit HAIR LOSS INSIGHTS and HAIR LOSS ADVICE