Nobody is happy to discover they are losing their hair. The question that immediately comes to mind is, "why do we lose our hair?"
The human hair has a two to six year growth cycle. At any given time, 90% of the hairs are actively growing. They grow about 1 centimeter each month. This is a little less than half an inch. The other 10% are in a resting state. After about two to three months in a resting state, the hair falls out and a new hair begins to grow. So, there is a constant, but slow replacement of all the hairs on the human head. So, what causes hair loss beyond this normal replacement process?
There are many short term causes for hair loss. Hair loss often takes place in the period following certain illnesses or major surgery. This is related to the stress caused by these events. In fact, stress has been connected to hair loss in many cases, although the exact relationship is not well understood.
Certain hormonal problems can also contribute to short term hair loss. The thyroid gland is often involved in this. Either an over active or under active thyroid condition can lead to short term hair loss. Also, an unbalance in male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens have been associated with hair loss. For example, women who have recently had a baby can experience some short term hair loss as a result of the hormonal unbalance of the pregnancy.
The most common cause of long term hair loss is a condition known as male pattern baldness. This is a genetic condition and results in a gradual recession of the hair line. Although it is most often seen in males, female pattern baldness is not entirely unknown. The onset of male pattern baldness varies from person to person. Although it is more common for it to begin in middle age, it can sometimes begin as early as the late teens.
Another factor associated with hair loss is improper care of the hair. Certain hair styles and neglect of proper hair cleaning and grooming have led to damaged hair and resulted in premature hair loss. These are some of the causes of hair loss. This is actually a very complex subject and there is no simple answer that explains all cases. Each individual case must be evaluated separately in order to determine the exact cause. Some times the hair loss is temporary and the cause can be eliminated or retarded, other times it is the result of a more permanent condition.
Aazdak Alisimo writes about hair loss treatment options for