For the more than five million people afflicted with Alopecia Areata, non-surgical hair replacement is the only way to enjoy a full head of hair since there is presently no cure the disease. There are three different forms of the disease that cause patchy and even complete hair loss. Treatment, therefore, is finding non surgical hair replacement methods that allow the disease's victims some relief from the trauma of this devastating disease.

Alopecia Areata and Its Forms

Alopecia Areata causes hair to fall out leaving small, smooth round patches behind. Because this disease runs in cycles, the hair can repeatedly fall out and grow back in often as fine, baby-like, hair. Other times the hair may grow back normally, but in an irregular pattern, with subsequent hair loss in completely different areas of the scalp. This can often progress to complete hair loss in the scalp area, becoming Alopecia Totalis. A further progression of the disease is Alopecia Universalis, where the sufferer experiences total body hair loss. An effective cure in terms of a hair loss treatment has yet to be found, leaving non-surgical hair replacement options the only practical way for victims to deal with the disease and lead a normal life.

Medical Hair Loss Treatments

Various medications can sometimes help these conditions, but there isn't a single treatment that has been certifiably successful. Anthralin cream is a thick substance that is coated on areas such as your eyebrows and scalp. The patient leaves this substance on the area for up to an hour before washing it off. Male sufferers have found some success with this ointment for re-growing a beard or mustache.

Other treatments that have shown some success include Minoxidil in stronger formulas and cortisone injections or pills. One treatment called topical immunotherapy has been known to work in some cases, but is more controversial. Specialists apply chemicals such as dinitrochlorobenzene or diphencyprone on the patient's scalp to cause an allergic reaction similar to poison ivy. Unfortunately, this treatment is only available in Europe and Canada. Additional treatments such cloning show promise, but they are still in the developmental stage.

Non Surgical Hair Replacements

Other hair loss treatment options are helpful if such treatments fail, and may also beused while undergoing such treatments. One of the most popular options for instant relief is a hairpiece such as a wig. High-quality wigs look, feel, and move just like your natural hair would. Best of all, good wigs can be styled as well. Other hairpieces such as fake eyelashes are also helpful to hide the effects of the disease. For mild cases of Alopecia Areata, patents have used 100% human hair extensions to cover the thinning areas.

Some patients have attempted several other treatments. Low Level Laser Light Therapy can stimulate hair growth, but success isn't a guarantee. For men, SensiGraft hair replacement systems are an effective way to restore the missing hair with a solution that looks and feels totally natural. A similar treatment option is available for women. Called Reallusions, these hair additions are created by the application of a virtually undetectable membrane to the scalp.

Even with all of the medical hair loss treatment options and non-surgical hair replacement methods, there is no guarantee that you will ever be free from Alopecia Areata. Items such as wigs and other hairpieces can instantly hide the hair loss, but no guaranteed cure is available. Doctors as well as professional hair loss treatment specialists will help you evaluate all the options and work with you to find a treatment option that will have

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on non surgical hair replacement, visit

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