While it is common knowledge that lots of men suffer from hair loss, female hair shedding is less well known. Women who suffer from hair loss are often ashamed of their condition and will hide it from other people. Common causes of female hair loss include hormone imbalances, stress and side effects of certain drugs.
A certain amount of hair loss of around 100 hairs per day is completely normal. It inly becomes a problem when entire patches of hair begin falling out and bald spots appear on the head.
Hormones are essential for regulating many functions in our bodies. Women´s menstrual cycle as well as their body temperature and insulin levels are all controlled by hormones. When they are out of balance hair loss may occur. This often happens during pregnancy, menopause and puberty. The good news is that these imbalances are usually temporary and can be remedied with hormone replacement therapy.
Another common cause of hair loss in women is the autoimmune disease called alopecia areata. This condition happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. Certain ointments and steroid injections can treat this disease.
Telogen effluvium is also a cause of female hair shedding. It is often triggered by chemotherapy, radiation or a disease like cancer or liver problems. This type of hair loss can only be treated by eliminating the exact cause.
Hair loss in women is a lot more common than most people think. Fortunately most cases are caused by hormonal imbalances and can be easily treated.
For information on causes of thinning hair in women as well as solutions to hair loss in women visit HairLossTipsandAdvice.com
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